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Important Vitamins and Minerals for Children

Important Vitamins and Minerals for Children

Vitamins and minerals play a major role in the growth, development, and formation of cells and tissues in the human body. Especially in children of developmental age, the need for vitamins and minerals in the body is greater. It is known that the deficiency of these nutrients, which can be met with a healthy diet or, if necessary, with supplements, leads to many health problems. In this article, we will briefly discuss the main vitamins and minerals that are of great importance for children's health and development.


Calcium, known to have a primary role in strengthening bone structure, is provided through breast milk for the first two years. Calcium and phosphorus minerals found in milk, yogurt, and cheese products play the most important role in child development in terms of bone and dental health. A lack of calcium in the body brings the risk of many health problems such as muscle and bone pain, dental problems, and joint pain.

Foods containing calcium: Calcium mineral can be met by milk and dairy products, dark green vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and spinach.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium and strengthens bones and teeth, plays a major role in supporting the muscle, immune and nervous systems during development. It is known that vitamin D deficiency leads to bone diseases such as rickets in children and osteoporosis in older ages.

Foods containing vitamin D: The most effective source of vitamin D is sunlight. It can also be obtained from foods such as butter, fish, liver, and egg yolk.


Iron is one of the minerals that is frequently deficient in children. It helps carry oxygen in the blood with the hemoglobin protein it produces in the body. It is also important for child development in terms of protecting against diseases by strengthening the immune system. In addition to anemia, which is a type of anemia that is seen quite frequently in children, delays in walking and speaking during development, difficulty in learning and lack of attention are among the results of iron deficiency.

Foods containing iron: Red meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, legumes, dark green vegetables and molasses are among the foods rich in iron minerals.


Omega-3 are fatty acids that are not produced in the body but are needed by the body and must be taken from outside. It is known that these fatty acids play a major role in physical and mental development from pregnancy to adolescence. Omega-3 helps children develop brain health and psychology, retina development, and increased literacy skills. Omega-3 deficiency in the body can cause retardation in intelligence development and comprehension skills, reading disorders, attention deficit and depression.

Foods containing Omega-3: In addition to fatty fish rich in Omega-3 such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, foods such as walnuts, purslane, beans, and chickpeas are also among the foods containing Omega-3.



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