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It steals your life and makes your body sick: Never eat 5 foods full of chemicals

unhealthy foods

In order to maintain your body health, you should be very careful about what you consume. Because every food you eat has positive or negative effects on your health. It is a well-known fact that ultra-processed foods are generally harmful. These ultra-processed foods, which contain ingredients that are not usually found in home cooking such as artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, pose a serious threat to health. The Nutritionist explained 5 popular foods that are full of chemicals and should never be consumed.

The way to have a healthy body is to eat healthy. Every food on your table and that you consume directly affects your body health.

There are some foods that you consume without realizing it or that you think are healthy, but they are literally robbing you of your life due to the harmful chemicals they contain.

These foods, which are ultra-processed and contain harmful chemicals such as artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, are slowly making the body sick.

Nutritionist Kayla Deniels revealed 5 popular foods that are full of chemicals.


protein yoghurt

Protein yogurts, which are among the foods consumed by athletes who want to increase their muscle mass, are full of thickeners and artificial sweeteners that are harmful to health, according to Nutritionist Kayla Daniels. Expert Daniels says, "Think twice when consuming foods that contain sweeteners. Sweeteners can confuse the brain. This product can trigger insulin release by tricking the brain into thinking that sugar is being consumed." Over time, frequent consumption of these products can contribute to insulin resistance.


plant-based milk

Nutritionist Kayla Daniels says excessive consumption of plant-based milks can cause inflammation. She also notes that these milks can be rich in Omega-6 fatty acids. Consuming omega-6 acids can increase inflammation in the body, cause blood clots, and trigger a heart attack.


protein bar

We always think of protein bars as a healthier alternative to chocolate snacks. In fact, according to a nutritionist, these protein bars are filled with various additives that can potentially harm your body. Moreover, these bars can increase cravings for sugary foods because they contain artificial sweeteners. However, when consumed regularly, it can disrupt intestinal health. Palm oil, which is also commonly used in protein bars, is very high in saturated fat, which increases the risk of high cholesterol and eventually heart disease.



They may seem practical, but they are very high in sodium, which can increase blood pressure and lead to heart disease. "Many products also use flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate and MSG," says Daniels, adding that these substances have extremely negative effects on the brain.


Diet Coke

Another product that is preferred by those on a diet because it has fewer calories and sugar, but is a real chemical bomb… Daniels, who explains that "it is full of artificial sweeteners that can change our gut microbiome", underlines that carbonated drinks stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas and that if consumed too often, it can cause type 2 diabetes.

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