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Nutritional warnings during childhood

junk food

During childhood, growth and development occur faster than other periods of life. For this reason, the need for many nutrients increases. Expert Dietician Selin Başkurt made a statement on the subject and gave advice to families so that children can eat healthily during this sensitive period.

Children growing up in the technology generation spend a lot of time with technological devices during adolescence. Children who spend hours in front of the computer or phone have irregular nutrition. Irregular nutrition leads to health problems such as obesity.

Expert Dietician Selin Başkurt, who made statements on the subject, said that healthy eating habits should be acquired during adolescence. Başkurt, who said that children should be fed a balanced and diverse diet, said, “This is a basic requirement for growth, development, learning and general health. A child’s diet should include various food groups, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Parents adopting strategies that will help children acquire healthy eating habits will ensure that they become healthier individuals in the future.”

Başkurt, who stated that children often prefer high-sugar junk foods as snacks, said, “Excessive consumption of such foods can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes and other health problems. Offering healthy snacks allows them to stay energetic and also consume nutritious foods. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Including enough fruits and vegetables in children’s daily diet helps them gain healthy eating habits. Water is an important element of healthy nutrition. Instead of fruit juices, sodas, syrupy coffees and other sweetened beverages, water is the best beverage option for children and teenagers. He used the expressions.

Healthy Eating

Emphasizing the importance of their families’ eating habits, Başkurt said, “Children also take their parents’ eating habits as an example. Families eating together regularly sets a good example for children in terms of healthy eating habits. In addition, planning meal times, giving responsibility in shopping and meal preparation processes allows children to learn and be interested in healthy eating habits. It can help children be enthusiastic about trying new foods. It is also important for families to avoid fast food and limit unhealthy food intake such as junk food.”


Başkurt continued his words as follows; “The most important meal for physical growth and development, as well as mental development in children and young people is breakfast. Having breakfast with family members and planning breakfasts that all family members attend on weekends will be useful in acquiring the habit. In addition to including protein sources such as cheese, eggs and milk in the content of a healthy breakfast, fresh vegetables and fruits as fiber sources, and olives and walnuts as quality fat sources should be preferred. For children who do not like breakfast, alternatives such as toast, milk-unsweetened muesli-fruit-dried nuts can be provided. It should also be remembered that breakfast is quite effective in school success. Since the energy deficit increases in young people who do regular sports during adolescence, this need should definitely be taken into consideration in the diet. Pre- and post-workout meals should also be planned accordingly. Depending on the type of sport, attention should be paid to protein intake, meat and fish should definitely be included in meals, and milk and dairy products should be included in snacks and main meals for healthy bone development.

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