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What Does Pink Eye Look Like?


Pink eye is known for the dark pink to red color that happens from inflammation and irritation in the white part of your eye. You can also experience pus or watery discharge.

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is a condition where the moist clear tissue covering the eyeball and inner eyelids becomes infected or inflamed.

It’s not just irritating and sometimes painful — it can also be contagious.

In this article, you’ll learn how to identity pink eye, which treatment options are available, and what steps you should take to prevent passing this eye infection on to other people.


How do you know if you have pink eye?

Conjunctivitis is the medical term for this eye condition. It’s called pink eye specifically for the way the white park of your eye turns pink from irritation and inflammation. If you were able to peel away the inflamed area, you’d discover the underlying eyeball was white and not inflamed.

It usually appears with these visible symptoms:

redness in the white part of your eye

watery discharge

sticky mucus or pus

crusting around your eye

swelling or puffiness of your eyelid


There are also symptoms that you won’t be able to see but feel. These include:




blurry vision

sensitivity to light

Different types of pink eye can also cause additional symptoms:


Viral pink eye: This type of pink eye is caused by a viral infection. It’s very contagious and spreads easily in crowded places. It causes burning, redness, and watery discharge. You may also develop a runny nose or sore throat.

Bacterial pink eye: Bacterial pink eye is caused by a bacterial infection, and it’s also very contagious. With this type of pink eye, your eye will be very sore and may produce a sticky pus. This type of pink eye is sometimes caused by the same bacteria that causes strep throat, so you may develop symptoms of a strep infection as well.

Allergic pink eye: Caused by allergic irritation, this type of pink eye isn’t contagious, but it can make your eyes red, puffy, watery, and extremely itchy.

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